This weekend started off with excitement and anxiety. Rob DeVore flew in from Clearwater to start filming the documentary, The Film Man, and also a commercial for Robwil Valderrey's Kayak Warfare Peacock Tournament that's May 6th in Miami.
We unloaded my Old Town Predator 13 and XL. We put on all our gear waiting on Robwil to get off of work so we can launch as soon as he arrives. As we're waiting I'm trying to get Rob on his first peacock bass. In the process I pulled in a nice 4lb female.
He finally arrived and we slipped into the water in our kayaks. We're paddling now all around the place and catch a few nice peas. Robwil and I spotted a few peacocks and told Rob to cast, but he couldn't hook them. I toss Rob a Rat-L-Trap to put on because that was the lure the peacocks couldn't resist.
We were on our way back home and Rob tied on the Rat-L-Trap and started blind casting. As we're close to our vehicles and Rob hooks into into this 20" male peacock. It was an 11th hour fish and I was so happy for him. It was a great day!